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Ava Murray Peters

When painting Ava wholly enjoyed painting portraits captured candidly in life. Ava found it allowed her to meet a vibrant array of dynamic subjects with the opportunity to share a moment and create a sense of the vitality and charms of the individual.
Ava Murray Peters began an adventure painting over 30 portraits via snapshots of my fellow co-workers titled "Toronto Diversity. " Samples from the series are on display in May 2013, on the 2nd Floor of the North York Central Library.
"I particularly enjoyed working with this group of people who have come all over the world. For me, this was a celebration of life and found it a challenge to paint people who work with, respect while recording how I feel towards that person. It was also a way to break away from stereotypes and simply see that person as an individual."
"I do not paint a person for realism. Instead I paint to get a sense of that person and their energy I try to capture a feeling or emotion from that person, either the feeling they really feel; or what I feel while looking at that person."
"I prefer to paint in oil the texture of the paint and how it moves on canvas thrills me. I usually paint in one session, but for the series "Toronto Diversity" I did many revisions on the same painting over time. It was important to me to get a feeling of the person and still be able to recognise that individual."

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Sergic Benez Self portrait
Oil Oil Oil
14x18 9x12 18x24
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