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Arvydas Palevicius


Arvydas Palevicius is not only an artist, but, also a physicist and a mathematician, a doctor of science, a professor at International Studies Center of Kaunas University of Technology in Lithuania, the head of Kaunas Atzalynas School. His research area is holography, computer graphic and objects design because he was always close to art. But it was not enough for him to do research work. He started to paint due to the inner necessity to express his feelings by means of contemporary art. Arvydas Palevicius has studied painting privately for four years at famous K.Milkevicius Art Study in Kaunas since 1992 where he gained professional skills in drawing, painting and composition. From 1996 to now he was a participant of numerous expositions and art symposiums both in his native Lithuania and abroad. His creative works are frequently shown in solo and group expositions in prestige Lithuanian Galleries, as well as in the art galleries in Europe. National Art Museum in Rumsiskes, Aiscio Museum, Lithuanian National Philharmonic, Lithuanian Embassy in Vienna, and others have obtained his pictures.
Arvydas Palevicius visits North America on repeated occasions. He is a member of CAA/College Art Association.

"I use different means of expression. However, my creative work is not eclectic, but rather dominated by the single conceptual and aesthetic perspective. I try to avoid any radical postmodern attitudes and follow the traditional vein of the European modernism which may be described as in-between the figurative realism and expressionism. I try to remain faithful to the object I am painting; therefore I pay attention both to form and idea. I reveal the inner meaning of phenomenon. I want to paint portraits and other objects full of certain spiritual vibration and to emphasize the sacred dimension of life."

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